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Festival of the Five Continents


Il Festival of the Five Continents is a traveling festival of performances and art,it, born in 2005 in order to attract the attention of the general public towards the most beautiful and characteristic of Southern Italy, while promoting a new cultural journey, capable of discovering the viewer, in his land, traditions and customs of the peoples of the world.

Un contenitore culturale in cui trovano spazio spettacoli di Circo contemporaneo e Teatro urbano, accanto ad eventi legati a Musica, Cinema, Literature, Photography, Art. A meeting place between different cultures and peoples, in which the comparison is stimulated, enhanced diversity, encouraged dialogue, promoted knowledge, promoted multiculturalism.

Il cartellone della manifestazione offre una proposta culturale articolata e di qualità, fungendo da veicolo promozionale del territorio, historical centers, monuments. Castles, cloisters, churches, buildings, piazze diventano lo scenario magico e suggestivo per un festival senza confini. A celebration of the Arts, Peoples, of Cultures, of Ideas, that wants to continue to amaze giving the privilege of discovery and the taste of surprise.

Artistic Management by the artistic direction of the event.

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